"I love karaoke more than watching movies at the cinema, we just sit and watch, boring."
If you agree with that statement, I'm not on your side. Seriously I love to sing, and music is the important part of my life. But I hate karaoke. Just because I hate it, that doesn't mean that I'm not a 'musical' person. Believe me, I listen to my iPod everyday, and I love singing. But karaoke? Forget it, not for me.
It's okay if I do it rarely, but if everytime I hang out, then my friend says, "Let's karaoke!" Hell no I can't stand it. I don't mind if you love karaoke, but it just doesn't work for me.
So let me tell you, I'm a movie addict. I'm lucky I was born in movigoers family. All of my family (includes grandpa and grandma!) love to watch movies, whether it's on the cinema or DVD. When I was 13 I went to the cinema like 3 times a week *drools*
I'm serious! It's hard to mention my favorite movies, but I think I have unextraordinary taste of movie genre. Yes, I love cult/indie/underground (or whatever you would say) movies. Maybe it's not weird if I don't live in Indonesia. Cause most of the teens here hate it. They think it's just a weird and boring movie genre. But some of them also love it, as I do.
I still remember when someone I know said, "Juno is the worst movie I ever watched."
I'm laughing at the inside. I know it's about taste. I love those mainstream movies, but I also love cult movies.
In my opinion, cults are mostly artsy, and don't forget for the unique stories.
My favorites are:
Garden State
Igby Goes Down
Across the Universe (I'm not sure this movie is cult, but it's so artsy!)
December Boys
Driving Lessons
There's a lot more that I can't tell...
And don't forget to mention that I love classical movies, especially the dramas.
My favorites are Atonement, Pride and Prejudice, and The Notebook. Like the other girls do, I cry during these movies.
I always enjoy those kinds of movie cause when I watch a movie, I'm looking for inspiration. You know, cults and classics always have great clothes, great settings, and great views. They're just so artsy.
"Cults and classics always inspired me. After watching those movies, I got inspirations, and I always love their ironic and dramatic endings."