Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's almost 2009

its almost 2009!
Im happy cause Ill spend my new years eve with my besties!
we're gonna do sleepover in my house after the fireworks party!
ooh cant wait for it!

Monday, December 29, 2008

The meaning of Erica

er-i-ca | 'erika |
a plant of the genus Erica (family Ericaceae), esp. heather.

origin modern Latin, from Greek ereikê

well, I never thought Im a heather.

Im a hardfan of Harry Potter!

gue ga lebay!
kebanyakan orang mungkin mikir, 'mending nonton filmnya aja!' atau 'males amat baca bukunya! udah tebel,isinya tulisan semua lagi!'
tapi gue engga.
mau buku atau film, gue hajar!

kebayang aja nih, gue lagi bosen, nah gue langsung baca novelnya dari yang ke 1-7,mau brapa hari pun oke! trus kalo udah nyampe yang ke 7 beres, gue ulangi lagi baca yang ke 1-7, and so on..
ehm kalo filmnya, yang paling gila tuh yang ke 2.
saking gilanya, tiap hari gue tonton dvdnya, gw pause biar tau mantra2nya, trus nyampe hafal dialognya.
ampuun itu waktu gue kelas 5 sd, dan semenjak itu gue cinta mati sama Daniel Radcliffe.

Harry Potter series...fave books...fave movies.

Im a proud Harry Potter maniac!

Erica xo

P.S. Ill write something 'bout Dan...new blog will be up soon!

Folie à Deux

well I bought this cd last week.
kesan pertama gue,covernya aneh! tapi gimanaa gitu.
pas gue buka bookletnya,gue sebel gara-gara ga ada liriknya.
yang bikin tambah kaget,ternyata yang bikin inside artworknya itu namanya Ronald Kurniawan? hah? sounds familiar! gue tebak pasti dia orang indonesia! haha bangga juga gue!

oke balik ke albumnya,overall,album ini bagus.
tapi masih kalah sama Infinity On High.

here are my fave tracks:
.America's Suitehearts
.Headfirst Slide Into Cooperatown On A Bad Bet
.The (Shipped) Gold Standard
.What A Catch, Donnie *featuring FBR vocalists*
.20 Dollar Nose Bleed *featuring Brendon Urie!*

well thats it!
Im listening to it rite now!
and Im a bit sleepy,so bye!

exohexoh erica

P.S. sorry bout the bad grammar and the lingo :( Ill try to do my best.

Friday, December 26, 2008


Hello! I'm Erica! Starts from now, I'll blogging! I'll keep my blog update as much as I can.